Thursday, September 2, 2010

Zero Waste Fashion

Zero-waste design isn’t a new technology or material. Instead, it’s a new way of thinking—a philosophy that forces you to challenge existing techniques and become a smarter designer. Technique-wise, it involves fitting all the flat pieces of your clothing pattern like a jigsaw puzzle so no fabric is wasted. Considering that roughly 15 percent of the fabric is discarded when a typical garment is made, the cumulative effect of leaving behind no waste has far-reaching environmental consequences. More than that, however, zero waste about working within those constraints to invent beautiful new forms of fashion.

For all my bloggers I have an interesting article to share. Here it goes :

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Edible Fashion

Italian photographer Fulvio Bonaviaare does not only delectable and endlessly enticing photography but they also point to the growing trendtowards meshing food, art and fashion in one giant grab bag of styles. 
These are taken from his latest book, A Matter of Taste.